Late yesterday morning, a call came in from Jodi Davidson, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz's (FL20-D) District Director, that communicated an official statement from ICE that they had withdrawn Southwest Ranches from consideration for building an immigrant prison there due to a reevaluation in the need for ICE bed space in south Florida.
Needless to say, we were elated. We have confirmed that this message was communicated to the mayor and/or the city manager of Pembroke Pines by Davidson. We waited to announce this breaking news until either an ICE official corroborated the story or ICE issued a formal press release with the announcement.
After multiple attempts to get a confirmation both from Washington DC and south Florida ICE officials, we put the announcement on hold.
A little bit after 5:00 PM, SWR Town Attorney Keith Poliakoff issued the following tweets:
By 7:30 PM, we received additional communications from a very apologetic Davidson telling us that ICE had reconsidered their decision to withdraw from south Florida. Why would ICE do this to Wasserman Schultz? The best we can piece together as far as what happened follows. This is pure conjecture and we don't have any corroboration other than the circumstances.
Tuesday evening, Reuters news wire announced that 68% of the public is unhappy with President Obama's handling of gasoline prices. The Drudgereport presented this headline: POLL: 68% of Americans angry at Obama...
New reports have suggested over the past few months, that the President's fundraising is not as strong as it needs to be to defeat the GOP front runner. For example: Obama Fundraising Advantage Disappearing.
President Obama needs help in the form of the almighty dollar to win his reelection bid.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz is President Obama's direct report as DNC Chairwoman and a very powerful congressional representative. Her premature announcement of ICE's decision is a highly embarrassing mistake that makes her look really amateurish and foolish. Again, why would ICE do this to her?
Wasserman Schultz and Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) have come under blistering attack from their residents after they both signed a letter of endorsement on Correction Corporations of America, LLC's behalf and then took campaign donations from them. Wasserman Schultz has steadfastly refused to withdraw her support or meet with her electorate regarding the siting of the prison in our back yards. Even after CCA sued the City of Pembroke Pines for hundreds of millions of dollars for allegedly interfering with the prison's construction which could bankrupt the City, Wasserman Schultz is still radio silent. She is running for reelection as is the entire House of Representatives in November. Some of her constituents want her booted from her offices in Pembroke Pines City Hall for the way she's disrespected her constituents.
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Yes, What Happened? Our Sentiments, exactly Ms. Schultz |
President Obama has also come under fire for trying to put an immigrant prison just outside HIS hometown of Chicago.
What could the President's motivation to embarrass Wasserman Schultz be? It's certainly not because some Town Attorney's law firm with delusions of being big inside the beltway lobbyists and hiring Diaz Balart's former chief of staff, Omar Franco, started to kick and scream. It's certainly not because Prison Inc told ICE ERO Director Gary Mead that they were being unfair to pull the plug even though the Krome Ave. Detention Facility is under utilized.
No, as the oldest saw in the book goes, follow the money. Could it be that Prison Inc. sweetened the pot for the President by committing to a nice infusion of cash into some superPAC somewhere? Hmmm? Does Prison Inc. have a track record of buying candidates? Friend or Foe? You be the judge.
We also wonder if President Obama will throw Wasserman Schultz under the bus just for a few more dollars from Prison Inc. It appears that's what's happening.
While it would have been nice to declare victory now, this latest buffoonery has energized us even further to inflict the harshest punishment at the polls in November that we can administer for all this cronyism and riding roughshod over representative democracy. We'll do our best to start at the top with President Obama and his organization, ICE. Then, Senator Bill Nelson along with Rep. Wasserman Schultz. Lastly, we will finish with the SW Ranches Town Council.
CCA, Go Away along with the rest of the compromised politicians in this sordid affair of lust for Prison Inc's money that really came from taxpayers in the first place.
Please check out Daniel Chang's article in the Miami Herald for a more detailed analysis.
This doesn't make sense. Dws mistake is Obamas mistake. Debbie isn't garnering votes with this center and neither is obama. Its in their best interest to defeat this. They need Florida votes. Obama taking money from private prison doesn't make sense either.
ReplyDeleteThat's like saying "Rahm Emmanuel' mistake is Obama's mistake." Politicians throw their allies under the bus every day.
ReplyDeleteWhy would you say it is in Obama's and Schultz's best interest to defeat this? Wasserman Schultz ENDORSED the prison and has never recanted or wavered on her position. Further, the residents just outside the President's home town of Chicago, i.e. Crete don't want the facility. Are we all to believe that the chief executive of all these agencies, i.e. the President, couldn't stop this from happening?
Are we to believe that there is no money from Prison Inc. that is co-opting politicians whether they be democrats or republicans? That's not the track record.
We are more than open for reasonable explanations of why this is happening. It is very embarrassing to the Congresswoman, so it must have taken a very strong arm to override the agreement that was to be announced yesterday.
The Chicago way once again. Al Capone and Sam Giancana would be proud.
ReplyDeleteThe rest of us shouldn't be suprised. This has been Obama's modus operendi since he started his "magic climb" up the corruption ladder. There is nothing he won't do for a "contribution". Or should I say "Tribute to Ceasar".
All these politicians involved in this corruption deserve nothing but an exit door in November.....they are there to get their bank accounts and campaigns bigger, they DO NOT care about their constituents....don't be surprise if you see a campaign donation from the prison company starting from Obama to SWR officials, it is disgusting!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou guys down in Florida have done a good job making people in your community aware of the truth behind the private prison industry and the political connections.
ReplyDeleteStay focused and continue your efforts.
What you have just witnessed with this conflicting story is an indication of the power struggle and fights currently going on between ICE, CCA, the White House and political advisers.
Without risking saying too much , CCA is not happy with your Town of Southern Ranches. They don't like the way your town officials fumbled the prepping of the community and thus made CCA's job of preserving corporate image much harder.
There are also new questions being asked about the way this entire plan has been handled to the extent you will soon see investigations into the conduct of certain representatives, lawyers and other officials in your area.
This proposed prison has been so poorly handled and mismanaged compared to other proposed sites around the Nation to the extent that a growing number of political figures are getting fed up with the growing attention,bad press, and scrutiny.
They want this embarrassment to simply dissapear as quickly as possible.
Thus you have just seen the first sign of the fight in DC between those who want to push forward with this location and those saying it is not worth the bad exposure, especially in an election year. The best idea for some is to relocate this proposed facility to a truly remote location miles from any controversy and get private prison controversies out of the news as rapidly as possible.
My advice to you folks - ramp up the pressure and make even more noise to bring added attention to the issue. You stand a good chance of success stopping this if you double your efforts NOW while the iron is hot.
Inside ICE and the Beltway itself, there is a growing number of people pushing to abandon this location and relocate to a quieter, less controversial site.
Washington Sympathizer, Thank you for your insight! You make so much sense. Yes, we will keep on fighting and fight harder than ever!
DeleteYou better believe that this issue put more fuel to the fire and THE RESIDENTS are fired up!!!!!!!! Our country is going in the wrong direction because of the corruption, incompetence, and inappropiate behavior of politicians. Give a pink slip to all of them, starting from the top !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteThe land where ACA was going to built the ICE building is a dump. Might as well use it for $omething. What do you expect in a waste landfill, houses? or schools? in that trash land? Not even the horses want to walk near that pile of junk land.
ReplyDeleteObviously the previous post does not have any idea what they are talking about.
DeleteFYI: it's CCA
Not even worth the time to correct the rest of the stupidity!
In addition, there is a horse rescue, FRIENDS (Friends Research Instititue for Equine Nurturing and Developement, Inc) close to the CCA land. So, I guess that horse do walk near that pile of junk land. Perhaps the writer should do a bit more research before commenting.
DeleteAnonymous 10:58 ---
ReplyDeleteRegarding your post.
The area has a closed landfill.
The area also has a soon be be closed old women's jail.
If you look at another closed Landfill near Griffin & I-75 you will see a similar site which was successfully transformed to a housing community with a hang glider (and other use) park.
When one considers the existing landfill is closed, the women's jail is closing and the construction of the Nation's largest illegal detention center in the midst of a now massive (and growing) residential section of Broward County is about as stupid and flawed of an idea that can be imagined ............... an EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY now exists for this large plat of land.
The Towns of Pines and SWR could start with a clean slate to transform this soon to be Vacant property into a true Commerce Park with positive business and tax base ........... not illegal entrants, other maximum security prisoners, inmates in the nearby community on electronic monitors and the theoretical possibility (according to some stories) of future GTMO detainees.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if you are aware that Vista View Park in Davie which is right off I75 was a superfund hazardous waste site and it's been turned into a lovely park. It just needs vision.
Further, the proposed prison entrance at 202 and Sheridan sits practically in front of the Chapel Trail Nature Preserve which is a stunningly beautiful bit of Everglades where wading birds, turtles in crystal clear water, and canoes are a way of life.
Here's one article on the treasure:
What exactly is wrong with our leader that they exhibit such a lack of vision for this beautiful area?
Why the love of prisons? It boggles the mind.
Oh, and that's not to mention that 1000 feet from the property edge you have 500-ish half million dollar homes in a gorgeous planned community called Laguna Isles and 6000 feet away you have a brand new, state of the art high school which achieved and A rating right out of the gate thanks to Principal Dan Traegarm his dedicated staff and parents.
DeleteLastly, merely a couple of miles away you have Holiday Park which Broward County wants to turn into a very nice county park.
Exactly what's wrong with the area that you claim horses don't even want to ride on? Or is it just the myopic vision of our leaders who are enamored with Prison Inc's siren song of money?
ICEs first mistake was believing poliakoff and nelson were intelligent enough to manage this kind of deal, they can't even manage southwest ranches. their second mistake was placing this near schools and thousands of families and homes. their third mistake is thinking we don't know about their alternative detention policy and their plans to use it among thousands of families and children. ICE CCA and ranches are creating a huge public safety risk by placing this facility here. Wasserman Schultz mistake is endorsing this then ignoring her voters. Schultz = Obama. I am a woman and a mother and Debbie is done
DeleteIt's stunning that Debbie is so tone deaf to her core constituents. Does she not realize how flipping mad people are at her? She's spent so little time reaching out the community to help work this issue to everybody's satisfaction.
ReplyDeleteShe hasn't met with a single resident on this issue for nearly a year. Bill Nelson is just as bad.
Why is it that as bad as the republicans are in Tally, it's the republicans here such as Lemieux and Diaz Balart who are on the right side of the issue, while the progressive democrats appear to be flower girls for the wedding between Prison Inc and Rural Lifetyle-ville?
I was a big supporter of Debbie. As a woman and a mother I was proud of her. NOT ANYMORE! SHAMEFUL! Joe we come!
DeleteI find it disturbing that she could show so much promise as a 26 year old up and coming political leader only to become a hand maiden of a morally repugnant industry which profits off incarceration.
DeleteAny true liberal or progressive should be sick to their stomach to see how far into the gutter she's gone.
ReplyDeleteWell said Jill. I second that.
DeleteAmen to that!!!
DeleteIt's just one more let down handed to us by the Hope and Change guy. Remember how he campaigned on open government and breaking the cycle of business as usual.
DeleteCan you imagine a liberal President building a private prison for deporting aliens when the bed space isn't even needed? Wow.
ReplyDeleteice will assess aliens and assign them a risk level. level 1 - murderers, rapists, gangsters, terrorists. level 2- arson, dui, etc level 3- lesser offenses and so on. ice has mistakenly assessed detainees wrong, releasing dangerous criminals on ankle monitoring and detaining those who should not be. ice released a haitian immigrant in 2012 who went on to kill 3 people and have released child rapists. these people will not be coming and going through our communities back and forth to the detention center for court hearings, rehab, etc. this significantly increases the public safety risk. who will pay for the needed increase law enforcement? not our tax $$$ , make CCA pay!
Deletecorrection *these people WILL be coming and going....
DeleteI am so disturbed by this change of events from ICE. How can we trust what our elected officials say when a government agency plays with leaking information? Where is the accountability from ICE? Why are they toying with the Stakeholders who actually live nearby? Is this some sort of game to them? I am just astonished at the unprofessional behavior coming from ICE!!
ReplyDeleteHahahaha your kidding! Homeland security, the very department in charge of our protection uses an ankle monitoring program to release illegal aliens into neighborhoods?!? Now ive heard it all. whos bright idea was this? a democrat? lololol
ReplyDeleteYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! forget about who is going to be behind bars.....I read about ICE's plan about releasing detainees with ankle bracelets roaming around the neighborhood Publix, next to the Ballet School, maybe walking around the park where our kids play, etc..... YES!!!!! and the worst thing is that Jeff Nelson and the other SWR officials are pushing hard for it, can you believe that????????? Corrupted!!!!!
DeleteI tell everyone that I know about Debbie Wasserman-Schultz endorsement of the prison, some of them don't believe it, so I show them her letter (co-signed by Senator Bill Nelson).People that voted for her and her party in the past, will no longer do that. Even if I convince only one person at a time not to vote for them, that is fine, mission accomplished!!
DeleteSchultz and Nelson have provided the BEST campaign literature possible. That letter is all that is needed to be handed door to door as they run for reelection.
You can get THOUSANDS of black and white copies made up for pennies. What an amazing gift the two of them gave their opposition.
Could you have possibly written a story where the pitbull who attacks her Republican counterparts nearly daily for their "round 'em up and deport'em" mentality would endorse the very facility to do that? Wow. You can't make this stuff up.
Equally strange, can you imagine the self professessed "defender" of the Everglades, Senator Bill Nelson, would endorse this resource PIG on right on the edge of the Glades even though the Sierra Club has come out against the facility due to the potential negative impact on the Everglades environment?
Can you imagine if their worst political enemy in the world asked them BOTH to sign the SAME letter essentially condemning them to get throw out of office? What would they say?
But along come Becker and Poliakoff asking them to do this and both of them oblige.
Equally disturbing that our great Republican hope of Marco Rubio was so zealous in his support for the facility, apparently, that he was asked by CCA not to attend a meeting!!! Can you imagine these sell out creeps are governing us?
First, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz do NOT answer calls, e-mails, does NOT meet with constituents.
ReplyDeleteBut worse than that, I have NOT heard a response from President Obama to the Pembroke Pines Resolution....
They are both ignoring THE PEOPLE, they are in office because of the people...But both of them have been silent.......Maybe if they talk the paycheck from CCA will go now we know who they work for!!!!!
ive supported Debbie for years, where's my support from her?? I haven't received one response from her since this started. Ive voted for and supported Obama too...same reciprocation! No support, no vote. Its that simple.
DeleteWassermann Schultz accepted $1000 from CCA. Yes, she sold us out for $1000, sad, eh? Senator Bill Nelson sold us out for $2000.
ReplyDeleteWasserman Schultz's friendship with the Town of Southwest Ranches, CCA, Robert Rubin at Becker Poliakoff and probably Sam Poole of Berger Singerman go back so far into the founding of this town that she apparently feels totally obligated to put this prison in our back yard. She feels obligated to put the city where her office resides at city hall at risk for hundreds of millions of dollars as they get sued by CCA because she feels she's doing the right thing. But she doesn't feel the LEAST bit obligated to even meet with or talk to her very own constituents.
DeleteThis is the WORST I have ever seen a congressperson behave.
These politicians are getting cheaper and cheaper to buy........these people have no morals nor ethics......
DeleteObama has failed miserably with immigration reform. It is because of his directives that DHS and ICE use the ankle bracelets and release illegals into our communities. This fiasco comes from him, CCA probably has donated to him in one way or another. there are many to blame for this mess and this facility. In 2008, the dems got my vote. Not this year. Obama Debbie nor Bill Nelson are getting my vote this year. I'll vote Ron Paul before I even consider Obama this year.
ReplyDeleteObama, Wasserman-Shultz and Nelson can get all the money from the private prison industry, BUT THEY WON'T GET OUR VOTES.........
ReplyDeleteI know that none of you are interested in the truth but if you are then here is a first hand report on the ICE facility in TEXAS. There were eight of us that excepted the invitation to vist and ask any questions we wanted to of the warden and staff. This invitation was open to anyone but NO ONE AGAINST PRISONS wanted to go. In fact Bill D. told me i was being bought. an airplane ticket, coffee and donut and a sandwich for lunch. REALLY. We flew out at about 8 and at 10 arrived at the Immigration Detention facility. It was in an industrial park nicely landscaped like weston's ,as we drove they said there it is and we couldn't see it, there was a chain link fence and wire on top. looked like any wharehouse area fenced. we drove through the gate and parked in the loading area, we then went through a gate and into the check in where everyone must go and get a pass. we were taken into an office and met all the staff and the warden , All had been with CCA for 15 to 30yrs. the warden had been there 7 yrs and said he would retire there. here are some bullet points. the faciliy is over 20yrs. old and you could eat off the floors ,it was high ceilings and everything shined like a new penny. The detainees to not cook or clean , time spent there is between 30-60 days some longer depending on the country of origin. the women are guarded by women only. the men have both men and women guards. the women are in one section and the men in another. their living quarters are very large rooms i call pods. the pod has say 50 in it with one guard[unarmed] who stay with them. there are bunk beds in one quarter of the area with a wall about 3feet high for privacy, in front of that is tables with chairs,TV AND headsets. games the other half is bathroom ,showers and sinks with a 3 ft. wall to block the view. they get their food brought to them and they eat at the tables. they get 1hr. outside to play or just enjoy the sun. they have a barber shop, library, computors, also a fully staffed hospital [by ICE,federal goverment] the gentelman overseeing it was in the military so was the head nurse. they handle everything unles it requires a hospital and then they take them. they also have staff that is for counciling and if they are having problems.[emotional or otherwise.] they have a shop for candy etc. please note there are no gun inside the faciliy, multiple lock down areas and a brain area that monitors every room,hall the inside and outside areas. they women have the same and a beauty shop. the women there are about one third,or less. we went outside and they were playing soccor and basketball. in a large grassy area. enclosed by a high wall.we then went to the courts, there were three minature court rooms, they had one case from a jail in another county, the judge,clerk and the interpator. we watched that one and then a live one from the facility. they are asked what country they would like to go to. if that country will not except them then they have to try again. to disspell that there are towers with guards with guns. NO THERE ARE NONE infact there are no guns. these people would only excape to stay here. we also saw the max. security area, it also had a play area. these are ones who trouble makers and so they live alone till they are processed. there was a large cage in the middle of the room. they said that is for suicide watch. a guard sit in front and watchs . we took pictures and if anyone is interested we will post them. i am supportive of this facilty and know that it will not impact anyone even if they lived right next door to it, as for noise they were haveing a good time and it was like any football game. but they are not out after a certain hr. as a foot note the industrial park came after the facility and behind the facility where there were very old homes, they are being replaced by some very expensive homes.
DeleteI have run through this with you a number of times. I'll try and be clearer, this time. First, as a preface, you have now apparently taken two all expense paid trips to various CCA facilities in an attempt to learn the "facts." So, I ask you if you've ever tried to independently assess the facts by driving up to the Moorehaven CCA facility or down to the Krome Ave ICE Detention Facility? If you have not independently tried to verify CCA's claims, why not? These are local institutions specific to CCA ability to manage a private prison and another is specific to an ICE detention facility. All of these are practically in your back yard.
There are a number of common idioms which describe a seller's attempt to do anything to get a buyer to sign on the dotted line. In our case, we have a seller, CCA trying to get a Town to sign on the dotted line. In this case, it's a bit worse as CCA wants the Town to sign on the Federal Goverment's dotted line IN ADDITION to signing a contract with them. Given that CCA needs the town to enter into a contract with a third party, they have to be extra proficient in selling their wares.
The idioms are: "there's a sucker born every minute", and "a fool and his money are soon parted" or even "If you believe that, I've got a bridge for sale."
Honestly, if CCA took you to their facility to convince you how good they are for you and your Town, what exactly do you think they'd pick to show you? If you were selling your business to somebody, what would you show the perspective buyer? Would you not, "Do your homework", Marygay, and try and independently corroborate CCA's claims?
Next, propaganda techniques have been with us forever. The former Soviet Union was quite adept at this with their specific goal being to convince other people how wonderful life under the hammer and sickle is as opposed to life under the Star Spangled Banner. To whit, they were notorious for bringing in western tourists under tightly controlled supervision and showing them exactly what they wanted them to see. This is identical to what Mike S and others have warned you that CCA has done with you.
A term known as a Potemkin Village came into use as a result of this. It was first historically used during the Crimean war, but later in the 20th century, it was used by the Soviet Union to propagandize westerners.
Here's the most important summation from the wikpedia article:
""Potemkin village" has also been used to describe the attempts of the government of the Soviet Union to fool foreign visitors. The government would take such visitors, who were often already sympathetic to socialism or Communism, to selected villages, factories, schools, stores, or neighborhoods and present them as if they were typical, rather than exceptional. Given the strict limitations on the movement of foreigners in the USSR, it was often impossible for these visitors to see any other examples. A recent BBC series reported that in 1952 Doris Lessing, a British writer who has since won the Nobel Prize for Literature, was part of a delegation visiting the Soviet Union. Her memories of the trip are clear and unforgiving: "I was taken around and shown things as a 'useful idiot'... that's what my role was. I cannot understand why I was so gullible."
As you see, another term was referenced here. That term is "useful idiot." With no disrespect intended, the term is used to describe a well intentioned westerner who falls to Soviet propaganda and has their mind changed by it and becomes a useful asset to the regime looking to sell the virtues of Soviet philosophy.
A key summation is:
Delete"The term was originally used to describe Soviet sympathizers in Western countries. The implication was that although the people in question naïvely thought of themselves as an ally of the Soviet Union, they were actually held in contempt and were being cynically used. The use of the term in political discourse has since been extended to other propagandists, especially those who are seen to unwittingly support a malignant cause which they naively believe to be a force for good."
You have clearly become a useful asset to CCA trying to convince us all of how good they are. You ignore any of the immense volume of reports of CCA's malevolence and negative effects.
Marygay, as you are coming to understand, many people consider you this well intentioned rube sort of sad character. We have seen you succumb to the obvious propaganda of CCA and to the most blatant of propaganda attempts which was well documented in our prior post,, by a FORMER CCA partner.
We sort of feel badly for you given the 40 years you've put into the Town only to see that you have been targeted by CCA and co opted by them years ago and are one of their only major sympathizers. But, you are a grown individual. If you don't want to use any sort of discernment or impartiality in studying this issue such as visiting Krome or Moorehaven in a situation where you aren't being led around like a sheep by CCA, that's your call.
It's there that the entire Town starts to lose any desire to follow your lead or to believe that you have the best interests of all of us, especially our children, at heart.
MG - nice story except you overlook an important point.
ReplyDeleteWhenever a Corporation is "grooming a Bride" they take the time to show their best face.
Look at any Company.
When you know you have a prospective client coming to tour a facility you take the time to prepare for it and make your best face show.
You don't let visitors see the place dirty, allow them to speak to disgruntled employees, discuss operational problems, etc...
Heck, I have consulted for so many multi-million dollar companies over the years I have seen the same thing ......... many times the business is essentially non functional on the days tours are being given or they have heavily prepped for an important "Dog and Pony" show.
This is simple Corporate Business 101.
Don't judge a Corporation by 7-8 hours you spent on one single day touring the facility in a staged presentation scenario.
Instead follow the historical news, reports and other trend data to find the truth.
Even a Serial Killer can seem charming when he takes a woman out to dinner for a date. ---- it is only later the truth is revealed.
Reading Gay Chaple's description of the Texas prison makes me even more disgusted with this whole issue.
ReplyDeleteWhy are we paying to maintain and operate fancy facilities such as this to house people that are not supposed to be in the Country anyway?
Enforce the immigration law and we will not need any of these special prisons built to only suck and waste more money out of taxpayer pockets.
What a stupid waste of taxpayer money.
Mike S. is right 1000% right, when you sell a business you put on "the complete show",....during that "wonderful" visit that they had to the facility, did CCA show them the endless numbers of lawsuits and reports showing what a disreputable company CCA is??????? Of course not, they are just selling the goods........Only a handful of individuals out of thousands fell in the CCA trap, the rest of us were smart enough to know that those paid trips by CCA were going to be a "dog and pony show" of something that is an abomination!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI was one of the first advisory meetings with ICE, CCA and the HOAs. I saw CCA talk marketing and selling points exactly like other companies pitch their wares. I saw a car salesman turn a lemon into a Mercedes. I saw careful, tailored answers and scripted talking points. ICE was the same way when they answered questions and bolstered ICEs presence in Pines.
ReplyDeleteThen I researched CCA and the more I read, the more I realized
what a terrible idea this is. CCA is not the kind of company ranches should be doing business with. I'm insulted the leaders of our town think so little of the residents that they are willing to stoop this low. They're not doing us any favors and neither is CCA or the government
Bottom line.
ReplyDeleteIn as few words as possible, let me summarize the situation.
Nobody with a lick of sense WANTS a prison in their neighborhood.
Prisons have to search very hard to find places to stick prisons because no communities WANT these undesirable scourges of society a mere rock's toss from their homes and schools.
Thus, the reason you normally find prisons in remote locations at least 5 miles or more AWAY from developed residential areas.
Towns normally establish an Economic Development Team to try and locate and find GOOD , positive business and commerce into their community for a tax basis, prestige, image, jobs, etc...
SWR (for motives not yet fully understood) instead chose to take the low road and allow this undesirable prison facility to be dumped on their residents because of the promise of some various forms of compensation.
(although online research reveals many times the realized income is only a fraction of what was originally envisioned when the deals were being made glossy for the sale).
As the old adage states ........... "Selling Sin Is Easy".
That is really the thumbnail sketch summary of what happened here.
Instead of developing a proper Economic Development Council and getting the best commerce possible for the area, several people along the way --(for motives that are still in question)-- chose the easy way by negotiating a cheap, easy and dirty deal with "the Devil".
Seems like its right the money, mikes.
DeleteBest summary I've seen yet.
Seriously, it is time to start identifying some professional residents interested in running for office next time and eliminate the inbreeding that has grown like a cancer inside Southwest Ranches politics.
ReplyDeleteTime to get rid of Nelson, McKay, town attorney Poliakoff, and others.
Some may have gotten the email I sent Thursday night after returning from Houston- some not. I'll try to be brief- I know- not easy for me...please feel free to pass among your friends & neighbors- I know alot of folks here- but not everyone- the more the merrier!!!
ReplyDeleteI will tell you I did try to post on '' and after 6 trys, it would not take- so I said a few cuss words and moved on.
I was pleasantly surprised with my visit to CCA detention Center in Houston. Tx. I will tell you straight up- all the folks opposing this were invited, same as me. No more/no less. They missed out on a great learning moment. Sometimes it's hard to open a closed mind. Here's what I learned- pay attention- there will be a test!!!
We Arrived about 10:30 ish (time change) and asked to tour the neighborhood- well- the firefighters next lot over were having a craw-fish boil and we would have been welcomed, but carried on! From the outside & surrounding area- we were in a office Campus/center with many buildings looking just like the Hershey's business campus in Weston. And not 2 acres away were new homes (think Landmark estates) being built. Bob Hartmann took pics of these- check with him.
Then we went to the Detention Center- for all those who keep saying it's a prison-wish you had gone with us-Heck I'd have stayed there for afew days off!!! Most of these poor souls have never seen a doctor, dentist, and heaven forbid a mental heath person. They get 3 changes of clean clothes aweek, and the choice to work in laundry or kitchen for $1 day. We saw soccer games going on during time outside, classes for knitting for the women (guess men could attend as well) English as a second language,and I don't know how the Reverend does it, but he keeps up with all the main line faiths, and the subtitle ones- my words. The main ones are Catholic, Buddhist , Islamic, Christian, Methodist (that would be me) ohh- don't forget the Luthians!!! How bout just "God's People" cuz it's too hard to remember all of them.
I was very impressed by the professionalism we witnessed there. It was much like a self contained city- emergency room, pharmacy, mental health /social workers area, commissary, law library which the detainees had access to, 3 courtrooms (hearings held 5 days aweek with 3 judges), etc. It was impressive. And for the doubters- this was not the brand new, state of the art building, it was their first center- from back in the '80's. But well maintained, giving us a view how things were run. We had access to everywhere (with an escort of course) and at no time did anyone shy away from answering our questions, some of them pretty tough. An example- any escapees? - answer no. (We could check the logs) Detainee on detainee fights? yes, but mainly shoving over tv channels (I'm thinking much like our children fighting over the remote!). Remember- these folks are there for an average of 60 days. Some may go as long as 70, but that's pushing it. I saw people being treated with respect & dignity. The employees had been there from 3 years to 27 years- my thinking of this is it must be a good place to work or one wouldn't hang on that long!
Oh, and after reading the notprisontown's blog asking how could we consider letting a DETENTION CENTER (not prison) go so close to a school?? Guess what folks- the Center in Houston has partnered with an elementary school 1/2 mile away- and no one has turned into felons!!!
DeleteThis is a (please note bold lettering here) CIVIL DETENTION CENTER. If these folks had broken a normal law (sex offender/murder) they'd be in jail. If they had gone to jail, served their time- then same as everyone else in our town- free to go about their business. They are only there because they came in to our country illegally. They had a choice. And frankly- I can't afford them anymore, or I'd adopt one!
If anyone has a question or comment for me- hey- give me a call! 954 292-6602. Lord knows I'm not shy!
Frankly- we'd be hard pressed to find a better neighbor than the detention center! And for the nay sayers- what did you what out there???
I proudly sign my name:
Debra Goff-Rose
954 292 6602
ReplyDeleteI must confess your post left a bitter taste in my mouth.
Here is why I say that ......
(1) It is almost too filled with sweets and sugar to be believable. You say it is so nice you would like to stay there yourself, people are having outdoor barbeques, they network with the local schools, they have wonderful forms of entertainment, food, games,knitting classes, etc....
This is in stark contrast to the numerous stories and reports about CCA and other managed Illegal Detention Centers all across America.
(2) Secondly, even if we assume what you describe is 100% accurate and not embellished thru rose colored glasses.
It is outrageous!
The President of the USA is telling us that we must face the fact we all need to pay more taxes going forward...................and facilities such as you describe are an example of what we are being asked to pay for ?????
Out tax money is spent to build, maintain and manage such wonderful facilities (as you describe them)for people who are not supposed to be in the Country in the first place ?
This is so "back-asswards" stupid it is beyond belief.
As others have alluded to ...... If immigration laws were being properly administered and enforced to begin with, NONE OF THESE FACILITIES WOULD BE NEEDED -- and we would not be wasting tax money and creating a false, fabricated illusion of "jobs" under the umbrella of Prison Inc.
I realize your post was probably intended to garner support for the whole private prison issue -- but for myself, it only angered and disgusted me more that this is even an issue today.
Nobody should be worrying about having these types of facilities in their backyards because we should not be needing them or wasting money on them in the first place !
I don't care how much lipstick, make-up and pretty clothes you put on a pig to make it appear cute ............ it is still a pig !