
The Town of Southwest Ranches, Corrections Corporation of American (CCA), and DHS / ICE want to build one of the largest immigration detention centers in the nation within walking distance of thousands of homes; thus, reducing the quality of our life and our community. We do not agree with the federal government privatizing our immigration detention centers throughout the nation when there is clear evidence that privatizing our prisons creates a clear public safety threat. For ICE to continue to privatize these institutions and bring this safety threat through their "secure communities Initiative" to our community is unacceptable. Depriving someone of their liberty is a non-delegable governmental function and privatizing of such a function is infecting our nation like a virus.

The Town of Southwest Ranches has now entered into it's THIRD Fire Contract within the last year now with the Town of Davie, costing taxpayers $120,000 in ramp up fees. They are now closing several roads in western Southwest Ranches charging the tax payers $80,000 for the gates. They have paid an unknown amount of money for lobbying with ICE regarding this prison. They have several lawsuits against the Town, 1- Involving Open Meeting Violations on a November 5th meeting concerning the ICE Detention Center, 2- Open Records Violations, and 3- The Town is putting together a lawsuit to sue Pembroke Pines for breach of contract because the City utilized their exit clause and cancelled for convenience their Fire/EMS contract which included water and sewer at the last minute for the CCA prison. In the contract it states that there should be no third party beneficiaries. CCA would be a third party in this instance.

CCA has also filed suit in Federal court against the City of Pembroke Pines saying they are denying them water however the City had never seen a water application. The City did file for a Declaratory Judgement in State Court but that has been put on hold until the Federal Court hears the suit from CCA.

Is ANYONE CONFUSED as to why the Pembroke Pines/Southwest Ranches Fire Agreement was cancelled? The Town Attorney Keith Poliakoff attempted to "slip" into the agreement a portion that guaranteed water for the prison at CCA's request. This is something that should have been brought up separately. CCA should have brought it forward on their own in a water application. This is sleight of hand that CCA and the Town attempted to do because they were so afraid of CCA being on the Pembroke Pines agenda.

As of June 2012, ICE put out a statement that the site selection was no longer needed due to the fact that the extra bedspace was no longer needed.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Jesse Jackson Jr. Rejects Crete Immigrant Prison

In addition to the Republican party at the state level being in the pocket of Big Prison through their darling, Mike Haridopolos, our Democratic "Legislative Leaders" are completely in the pocket of CCA. Much to everybody's dismay, both Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) and Congrsswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) signed a letter of endorsement of what they believed would be the biggest immigrant deportation processing center / prison in the country.

Mike Haridopolos--President of Florida Senate or Snake Oil Salesman?
Ms. Schultz's other job is as chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee. She was directly hired by the President to fill this position where the primary objective is to get the Democratic POTUS reelected. So, with a goal of gathering up to a billion dollars in campaign contributions, it's no surprise to see the Congresswoman maintaining a very cozy and unhealthy relationship with Corrections Corporation of America, LLC.   CCA is a form of a sugar daddy spending millions and millions of dollars on politicians.

(To this day, Ms. Schultz has not had the courtesy to meet with a single one of her residents or constituents to answer our questions as to how could she endorse such a monstrosity.  She's exhibited the worst yellow streak of cowardice down her back of any of the politicians involved with this prison fiasco.)

How does this relate to Presidential politics? Well, just outside of President Obama's adopted home town of Chicago Illinois, sits a bucolic "rural" village, named Crete. They are getting an immigrant prison too. We assure you that the only difference between the script used to jam a prison down Crete's throat and Broward's throat is that Crete has snow on the ground and the frozen tundra makes it difficult to punch lawn signs into the ground which demonstrate opposition to the prison. We have our own burdens, as the limestone makes it difficult here. But, that's the most substantial difference between Crete's and SW Ranches' fight.

We would be almost willing to bet that Crete is getting a detention facility with President Obama's blessing and perhaps even active endorsement. Wasserman Schultz and her boss are dumping prisons in their own back yards just for a few bucks from CCA. It's quite perverse.

Now enter local politics. Jesse Jackson Jr. was just districted into Crete as their federal representative.

As we know, all federal representatives are up for reelection every two years.  2012 is no different.  Jackson is running against Debbie Halvorson, who's not been very clear about her position on the immigrant prison.  Jackson did an interview with Chicago's PBS affiliate WTTW yesterday where he actually commented on the proposed immigrant deportation prison.  His relevant quote is below.
12) What do you think Halvorson’s agenda is?
I don’t know what her agenda is.  I haven’t heard her articulate it. I have not heard articulate jobs plans and have not heard her articulate anything she would do in the South Side or 2nd District. I have not seen what she has does for communities in Kankakee and Will County. I am opposed to building a detention center in Crete for immigrants, through no fault of their own but through economic desires, who ended up in our country. I do not believe building prisons is a way to put people to work. 
Huzzah, Mr. Jackson.  You'd have our vote any day over Ms. Wasserman Schultz if you were running in our congressional district.  At least you are a liberal who stands on principle, unlike the sellout liberals and false environmentalists that we have in Senator Bill Nelson, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and President Barack Obama.


  1. We need Jesse Jackson, Jr. here in our NECK OF THE WOODS!!!!! All we have is MONEY GRUBBING OPPORTUNISTS rubbing elbows with CCA. Hope Debbie Wasserman-Schultz monitors our blog. She'll be getting an early retirement. She's lost all credibility

  2. Congresswoman Debbie Wasswerman- Schultz has NOT returned calls, emails nor messages from her constituents. The residents wanted to meet with her, but of course, we are not paying lobbyists, so we don't get any response from her.........she is "suppose" to work for her constituents!!!!!! Yeah right, NOT HER!

  3. I emailed Jodi Davidson in Pembroke Pines again asking for a meeting with the Congresswoman. I was not given the courtesy of a yes or no answer. In fact, I received no response at all.

    Why does Debbie Wasserman Schultz think she is royalty that does not have to interface with her constituents on a personal basis?

    Is this how Debbie rose so quickly up the political career ladder by hiding behind lobbyists and mega corporations?

    Is Debbie really a progressive / liberal? She actually endorses the building of the largest immigrant prison which will be used for processing and deporting illegal aliens.

  4. I am glad more people are finally realizing the kind of person Debbie W. Schultz really is.
    She has always been a despicable character, only now more people are seeing it because of her actions in relation to something that touches them personally.
    She is no leader, she is a lap dog for the Democratic Party and only repeats whatever marching orders they send out of Washington.

  5. We will point out that our objective is to stop the siting of this prison in our community. We are non partisan.

    For example, we find that Mike Haridopolos, A Republican and President of the Florida Senate, is on the totally wrong side of the issue.

    The influence of Prison Inc. money does not stop at the political dividing line in the legislature's aisle.

    We do note that the Congresswoman's absolute steadfast refusal to speak with her constituents on this issue that will affect them for years to come is unacceptable and we will work towards her defeat for her endorsement of the prison and her refusal to dialog with us.

  6. Don't forget it was southwest ranches politicians that made the deal with CCA....who was in whose pocket then?

  7. DWS has forgotten who she works for. I have a feeling she has been trying to keep this detention
    Center issue quiet from her boss, kind of like a child who has done something they're not supposed to and they don't want their parents to find out. Well make sure her daddy knows what's going on, this is too big of an issue in an election year and Obama will hear. This is Broward county, daddy and DWS need all the votes they can get this year.

  8. Unfortunately, while I believe she may be keeping this issue away from her boss, I think her boss probably totally agrees with her given the prison HE is giving Crete, IL.


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